Date: January 2021

Trademark Law Briefing: Black & Decker v. Positec, 2021WL202686 (NDIL-ED), January 20, 2021, by James Michael Faier, M.P.P., M.B.A., J.D. (USPTO Regn. No. 56,731)
Case Title and Date: The Black & Decker Corporation et al v. Positec USA Inc. et al., 2021WL202686 Facts: Black & Decker in 1992 introduced bright yellow packaging for its DeWalt power tools. It modified that packaging about 2008. The packaging had a drawing of a power tool. Black filed numbers of trademark applications on […]
read moreUSPTO Director Iancu releases his list of USPTO accomplishments 2018-2021. By James Michael Faier, M.P.P., M.B.A., J.D. (Registered Patent Attorney #56731)
The Director of the USPTO, Mr. Andrei Iancu, just released his list of accomplishments. I see no reference to the abandonment initiative that was discussed with INTA last year. I hear from contacts in the Examiner corps that the push goes on to adopt an expungement proceeding similar to the Canadian system. I do not […]
read moreCivil Contempt. Initial thoughts. By James Michael Faier, M.P.P., M.B.A., J.D. (USPTO Regn. Number 56,731)
In the federal courts, Civil Contempt is governed by 18 U.SC. 401(3) that provides “A court of the United States shall have the power to punish by fine or imprisonment, at its discretion, such contempt of its authority, and none other, as … disobedience of resistance to its lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree or […]
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USPTO streamlines its URL’s this Sunday, January 17, 2021. By James Michael Faier, M.P.P., M.B.A., J.D. (USPTO Regn. No. 56731)
Note the changes to the PTO’s URL’S.
read moreShow me the Money! Protection of Trade Dress. By James Michael Faier, M.P.P., M.B.A., J.D.(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Regn. No. 56,731)
Protection of Trade Dress is a crucial part of IP protection for the sellers of goods. Over my 30-years I have litigated trademark diversion where a junior user was seeking to more customers from senior user to junior user by selling goods in packaging that imitated the senior user. I have also seen junior users […]
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